
We exist to serve children and adults with scoliosis, spinal deformities, and other complex spine problems in a patient and family centered, disease focused, multidisciplinary center.


All patients with scoliosis, spinal deformities, and complex spinal problems deserve an opportunity to live an active, normal life.


  • Patient and family centered care.
  • Conservative care first if no risk of permanent damage.
  • A disease management focus.
  • Counseling and education.
  • Innovative diagnostics and medical care.
  • Minimally invasive surgery when indicated.
  • Expert care of complex spinal problems.


Our spine center is located in Austin, and receives complex scoliosis cases from across the 5-state region of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and New Mexico. 

Dr. Geck is a national specialist in scoliosis and has transformed the lives of children and adults with scoliosis, spinal deformity, and complex spinal problems. 

This is done in a patient and family centered environment, with a focus on conservative care first if there is no risk of permanent damage or disease progression. Counseling and education are the cornerstone of this relationship.

Initial treatment at our Austin, Texas location may include innovative diagnostics, genetics testing, bracing, and injections. Surgery, if indicated, proceeds with a preference for motion preserving or minimally invasive options. 

Dr. Geck’s practice is exclusively focused on the niche of spine and scoliosis surgery. This includes patients with adult and pediatric scoliosis, kyphosis, failed surgeries, spinal cord compression, flatback syndrome from Harrington Rods and other complex spinal problems. He specialty spine practice has been based in Austin since 2002. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Geck has performed over 2,500 spine surgeries. His scoliosis practice receives hundreds of scoliosis patient referrals from across Texas, especially the cities of Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas Fort Worth, West Texas and East Texas.

Dr. Geck’s focus is on pediatric and adult patients with scoliosis, kyphosis, spinal cord compression, failed previous surgeries, and other complex spinal problems. He is experienced in minimally invasive scoliosis surgery, spinal stapling and tethering (fusion-less scoliosis surgery), complex spinal reconstruction, osteotomy surgery, and revision surgeries.