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Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery

Dr. Geck was the first surgeon in Texas to perform posterior 3 incision minimally invasive scoliosis procedures on both adolescents and young adults with idiopathic scoliosis. Dr. Geck is one of the developers of this procedure, and has presented his short term results, long term results, and learning curve data at many national spine meetings.
“In my opinion, the minimally invasive spine surgery movement has been a long time in coming to scoliosis reconstruction,” notes Dr. Geck. “That is because we need to achieve more complex goals than removing a small disc herniation or fusing one spinal segment. We need to realign and reconstruct the spine in a way that long term normal function is preserved or enhanced and at the same time minimizing trauma to the soft tissues of the spine.”
Using a few small incisions instead of a single long one, and also using muscle sparing surgical approaches, many scoliosis curves can be reconstructed with similar results to traditional open approaches. Compared to an open approach, this minimally invasive approach has less scarring, less muscle dissection, less chance of tissue complications and less blood loss. Other advantages include shorter hospital stay, less pain, and because of the muscle sparing approach, faster return to function.
Click here to read Taylor's success story.
Click here to read Jacobe's success story.
Fox 7 - Minimally Invasive Surgery
Select the image to the right or click here to watch a Fox 7 Austin feature on the new scoliosis treatments performed by Dr. Geck.
Click here or select the images to the right to download and print out this information on minimally invasive scoliosis surgery.